All members and guests are welcome; if you do not have a partner; you will be ?paired? on the day and after completing the 18 holes there is a buffet dinner afterwards.
Continue reading “TVSCA Annual Golf Tournament”
ICAEW Incoming Presidents Day
At Chartered Accountants Hall Continue reading “ICAEW Incoming Presidents Day”
Audit, Accounting & Tax Update
An essential one-day course for those needing to keep informed of current developments.
Held at Blenheim Palace
13th June 2006 Main Committee Meeting
Well they finally did it; at last night’s meeting I was elected President. Whilst the main business of the meeting was the succession from Richard Eley to myself, the meeting was primarily taken up with three items: Continue reading “13th June 2006 Main Committee Meeting”
Paul Tate becomes President of Thames Valley Society of Chartered Accountants
At the TVSCA Main Committee meeting on 13th June, Paul Tate was elected President of the Thames Valley Society of Chartered Accountants.